Daina Z. Green
Labour Consultant
Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenida y Bienvenido
Note that my colleague Olivia Batt is
now handling files on pay equity and job evaluation,
so please contact her.
I’ve been involved as an advisor to unions, governments, and non-profit organizations since 1980. In independent practice since 1990, I have been hired jointly by organizations AND bargaining agents to assist them with initiatives like pay equity, anti-discrimination programs and employment equity. I consult across Canada and throughout the Americas on anti-discrimination program and policy development, including pay equity and employment equity. I also provide Spanish and Portuguese language translation services, especially to non-profits.
I have placed some useful resources for pay equity on a separate page. Click here to access some of these documents and websites.
Trained as a social science researcher, I hold a Master’s degree in Human Communication Disorders from McGill University and a teaching certificate in English as a Second Language. I work in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, frequently working as a simultaneous or consecutive interpreter (Spanish-English-Spanish, French-Spanish) and translator for written material.