Areas of Expertise and Projects

Daina leading Barbados PE workshop
- Areas of Expertise
- Translation/Interpretation
- Selected Employment Equity Projects
- Selected Educational Programs Developed and Delivered
- Participatory Gender Auditing
- Policy Development
- Selected Consultancies in Pay Equity and Job Evaluation
- Affiliations
- Educational Background
Areas of Expertise
Since 1990, I have provided service to unions, community groups, government, non-governmental organizations, joint workplace committees and groups of non-unionized workers on:
- Pay equity, including negotiation of plans, selection, development, and modification of job comparison systems; training and communication; representation before Ontario Pay Equity Review Services and Hearings Tribunal.
- Employment equity programs, including: employment systems review, awareness training, incorporating gender perspective, guiding implementation committee, developing components of a plan, barrier identification and removal, anti-racism and anti-harassment measures, and communication strategies.
- Design and delivery of project evaluation, job evaluation and compensation studies, including focus groups, key informant interviews, comparisons and reports,involving diverse groups across Canada and other countries.
- Gender Audits
based on the ILO methodology for Participatory Gender
Audits of organizations. I am certified by the
ILO to facilitate these audits.
- Design, development, implementation and evaluation of educational programs for trade unions, employees, supervisors, and community organizations; facilitation of workshops in English, French and Spanish; design, writing and editing of training manuals; consultation on video production, documentation of process and outcomes.
- Project design, project management, policy development and conference planning.
Fully trilingual in English, Spanish and French. Written and oral translation and interpretation (English/Spanish/English; French/English, French/Spanish). I also work in Portuguese.
Delivery by e-mail, fax, or hard copy. For further information about my services, see the translation and interpretation page.
Selected Employment Equity Projects
- University of Windsor Project Leader for Employment
Systems Review (2015) - see Executive Summary - CLICK
- University of Victoria: Project Leader for Employment Systems Review (2013)
- York University: Project Leader for Employment Systems Review for CUPE Sessional Instructors (2012)
- Canadian Union of Public Employees (National Office): Led Employment Equity Workplace Survey and consulting on employment systems analysis (2009).
- University of Guelph: Project Leader for Employment Systems Review including 8 bargaining units (1999-2002).
- Public Services International (PSI): Designed and delivered Specialization Course on Gender Neutral Job Evaluation and Employment Equity, Simon Bolivar Andean University, Quito, Ecuador (July 2009).
- Training for joint union and employer committees in Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil on employment systems review and other elements of employment equity, based on the PSI’s pay equity and employment equity manual I authored, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese (2007-2009).
- Review and Assessment of Employment Equity Positive Measures Program, Treasury Board of Canada, with Nan Weiner (2001).
- Anti-Discrimination Awareness and Policy Development Training (Expertech Network Installation, Inc. and CEP Joint Workforce Diversity Committee, Ontario/Quebec; with Tina Lopes (2000).
Selected Educational Programs Developed and Delivered
- Discussion Guide for the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) 2nd World Women’s Conference; editor and contributing author (2013)
- Pay Equity Maintenance for Police Associations,
Introductory and Advanced,
for Police Association of Ontario (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013). - Pay Equity and Employment Equity for Joint
Committees in Public Service Establishments
(Public Services International, Salvador and Maceió, Brazil, June 2007) - Public Service Employers in Trinidad and Tobago
and T&T Public Service Association:
Developed and delivered three-week intensive training of human resource professionals on methodology of pay equity job evaluation (2006-2007) - Pay Equity and Job Evaluation (Public Service
Sao Paulo, Salvador and Sao Luis, Brazil, 2007 and 2006; Quito, Ecuador, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011; Kingston, Jamaica, 2007;
San Jose, Costa Rica, March 2004; Bogota, Colombia, April 2004; Barbados June 2004. - Maintaining a harassment-free working environment
for Nonprofits and Employees
(Iler Campbell Tools Course, Toronto); with Lisa Loader (2002). - Dealing with Violence in the Workplace /
Organizing vulnerable workers
(3-hour workshops, in French and English; UFCW Canadian Council Women’s Conference, Winnipeg) (1999 and 2001) - Anti-Harassment Policies that Work: Key to
Preventing Complaints:
Canadian Society for the Advancement of Workplace Solutions (1998). - Gender Perspective in the Public Service and
Public Policy
Spanish-language seminars for National Women’s Secretariat-SERNAM, Santiago, Chile (1998). - Addressing Harassment in the 90s: resource manual and seminar delivered to United Food and Commercial Workers staff across Canada (1997).
- Dealing with Violence in the Workplace /
Organizing vulnerable workers
(3-hour workshops, in French and English, UFCW Canadian Council Women’s Conference, Winnipeg, September 2001, also Calgary, September 1999). - Anti-Discrimination Awareness and Policy
Development Training
(Expertech Network Installation, Inc. andCEP Joint Workforce Diversity Committee, Ontario/Quebec; with Tina Lopes; April, 2000). - Constructing Change
(3 modules on harassment and employment equity for apprentices and union officials; with Jill Jones—Provincial Building Trades Council of Ont./Ont. Women’s Directorate, 1994).
I am a Certified Facilitator for ILO Participatory Gender Audits
A gender audit, which is typically conducted during a two-week period by a team of four trained facilitators, encourages dialogue and reflection among members of the organization, department or office that has volunteered to undertake this highly participatory exercise. Audits use a self-assessment approach and take into account both objective data – gathered through a review of the unit’s internal and public documents – as well as perceptions including those of staff, management and clients.
Workshops and interviews are held with members of the unit, and constituents are also consulted. At the end of the audit, a report is submitted to management and staff in order to share good practices identified in promoting equality between women and men, as well as challenges and recommendations. The report addresses, among other areas that are key to effectively mainstreaming gender, the following:
- Mainstreaming gender as a cross-cutting concern within the unit’s objectives, program and budget
- Existing gender expertise and competence
- Information and knowledge management on gender issues
- Systems and instruments in use for accountability, evaluating and monitoring on gender equality
- Choice of partner organizations
- Advocacy products and public image
- Staffing and human resources concerning balance between women and men, as well as gender-friendly policies
- Organizational culture and its effects on gender equality
Follow-up to the report and implementation of its recommendations are the responsibility of the audited unit.
For more information from the ILO site, click here.
Policy Development
I have advised on the development of a number of equity plans, including the Equality Action Plan (adopted by the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, 1998) and the innovative Anti-Discrimination Policy (Parmalat Canada/UFCW, Kitchener, ON, 1998).
Selected Consultancies in Pay Equity and Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation Pilot Project (joint) | EPSEL Water and Sewer Utility, Chiclayo, Peru, joint with FENTASE Union Federation/PSI, EPSEL and the ILO | 2013 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System (joint) | Niagara Regional Police Service/Niagara Regional Police Association/ NRP Senior Officers’ Association | 2005-2008 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System (joint) | Windsor Police Service/Windsor Police Association | 2004-2007 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System (joint) | London Police Service/London Police Association | 2002-2003 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System (joint) | Township of Georgian Bay | 2002-2003 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System | McMaster University/CAW Local 555 | 2003 -2007 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System | Wilfrid Laurier University and WLU Staff Association | 2002-2005 |
Job Evaluation/Pay Equity System | Haliburton Highlands Health Service and SEIU Local 1 | 2005 - 2006 |
Review of job evaluation process and instruments | CEP National Office/Counsel Peter Engelmann (Federal Human Rights Commission complaint involving Bell Canada) | 1997 |
Critique of job evaluation system | Unrepresented Supervisory Registered Nurses/Counsel Leslie Dizgun (London Health Sciences Centre) | 1997-99 |
Compensation Study of Senior Management (joint) | Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan | 1995-1996 |
Job Evaluation system review and revisions | Laurentian University Staff Union (and Laurentian University) | 1995-1997 |
Job Evaluation system review and revision | CUPE Local 1996 (and Toronto Public Library) | 1994 |
Design of Job Evaluation system and training of committee | Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation and Boards of Education of Hearst and Espanola (also Carleton and Essex Boards of Education) | 1992-1996 |
Job Evaluation system review and revision | International Association of Machinists, Lodge 1922 | 1994 |
Job Evaluation system review and development of system | Labourers’ International Union of North America Local 183 (and Building Maintenance contractors) | 1994-5 |
1990-present Member of Equal Pay Coalition (also 1984-1986).
2002-2004 Member, Coordinating Committee, Toronto Social Forum.
1991-2003 Executive Board Member, Alliance for Employment Equity (Ontario). Positions of Chair and Vice-Chair since 1992.
1992-95 Member, Minister's External Advisory Committee on Employment Equity in Construction, Ontario Management Board Secretariat.
1983-87 Member and international coordinator of Workers' Education Program of the International Council for Adult Education.
1981-84 Member and Treasurer of Board of Directors, Working Women Community Centre, Toronto, serving Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking immigrants.
Educational Background
1983 Certificate: Teaching English as a Second Language to Adults. George Brown College, Toronto.
1977 M.Sc. Human Communication Disorders, specialization: Language and Speech Pathology. McGill University, Montreal.
1975 B.A. Psychology, with distinction, specialization: Psycholinguistics. McGill University, Montreal.